Sunday, January 22, 2017

Good morning world,

Its been a great week! And to finish it off, its awesome to hear that
:( I guess ya'll can record it and I can watch it in a few weeks ;)

We had a SUEPR BUSY WEEK. To start off, on Monday we had a zone
activity in Narra. For the activity, we watched Narnia hahah. It was
alright. It has been like 5 years since I watched that show, but it
was pretty fun! And then we had zone meeting on Tuesday in Narra. So
we ended up not sleeping in our house. After zone meeting, we had to
travel home for like 3 hours... So we weren't able to work on Monday
or Tuesday.

At zone meeting, they discussed some changes that will be happening in
the mission. Not just changes in our mission, but changes all over the
world. We aren't sure of all the details, but from what we heard, its
PRETTY BIG. We will know a little bit more about that in a few days. I
am excited for it, even though I won't really be around to see all of
it unfold. Whatever it is, it is inspired.

Wednesday we got home and were expecting to have another day of work,
but Elder Corpuz had a fever, so our day was like kind of shot down
from that, but we were able to make it to the appointment that we had
with the Asandy family. They are doing pretty awesome! And I am doing
NOT pretty awesome trying to understand their language haha. It is so
hard to teach him. I seriously just keep laughing about it because I
feel like a new missionary, and my companion struggles with their
language too so its normal! They are doing well though. They have a
very superficial knowledge about Jesus Christ and we have to very
simply teach them to their understanding. They came to church as well!
We really wanted Tatay to make it to church, which he promised us he
would, but he didn't make it... They have a hard time with
transportation. They only have 1 motorcycle that can fit like 4 people
on it, Out of all of them, 4 of them came. Tatay was just the extra
person that couldn't fit on the motor. So this week we will really do
our best to get him to church.

On Thursday and Friday, we had to go to Puerto for my companion to
take a special English test. So that was a nice killer of like 2 days
of work. We made the most of it though. On Saturday we had a full day
of work. We were able to teach 4 member present lessons that day up in
the Mainit area. We taught Abigail and Ryan again. We are currently on
the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. We focused on repentance with
them. The goal right now of the church is, "Teach Repentance, Baptize
Converts." So we are really being trained to hit that subject pretty
hard. We hit it hard with them and they understood it well. They ended
up coming to church as well this week. So they are on track for a
February baptism. We look forward to that. Yesterday we had 10
investigators at church, and some of them are coming to church, just
not progressing towards baptism because of big trials in their life.
We are hoping for about 4-6 baptisms in February. So we can do it! The
Lord is really blessing us here in this area, and the branch is really
helping too.

I think that is all for this week. I don't have any pics because...
Nothing happened so yeah. I love you all!

Elder Lambert

Philippines, Manila Mission, Earth

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