Monday, February 8, 2016

Week ~ 41

Hello world! Another one down. The weeks seem to be going by fast, but the days slow. I don't know how I feel about it. All I know is that every single night when I lay down to sleep I am wrecked. We are just working ourselves over here in our area. It feels good but we are just seriously so wiped in our area every night. Both companionship's are, me and Elder W and then Elder G and Elder G are just done for every day when we come home. 

Apparently this is the BFF Share meal!!

We heard some good news though yesterday. Since our apartment is about an hour jeepney ride from our area, we needed a change. We will be moving into the sister's apartment which is in our area! We will no longer be living with Elder G and Elder G. We will be living with Elder E and his companion Elder S. Elder E is that giant Tongan kid from Oregon that has a full ride scholarship to Oregon to play football and then Elder S is an "American" who has lived in basically Iceland and other weird foreign countries his whole life. So he is hardly American, but it should be super fun! I will be the oldest in the house and the "Tagalog" expert, so that will be kind of funny, cause we all know I am far from expert. It should be nice cause then we don't have to travel for 2 hours everyday just to get to and from our area and we will be saving money! Should just be all around better. 

Their Apartment

This week was good though. Last Wednesday we had our follow up trainer meeting with President Ostler and all of the trainers and mga anaks. It was really good. President Ostler is just a beast at everything he does. He just focused on the importance of training and the effects that training has on a missionary. I looked back at my training kind of at this time and even if I didn't like it, I was blessed to be trained by Elder Sacay! Elder Sacay is actually training Elder Webster's MTC companion so that is kind of funny. I saw Elder Sacay for the last time at this training just because he goes home in April, but I know that I will see him again at temple sealing's and all that jazz. 

I did find out some AWESOME news! So one of the sisters that is training and is currently training in the Mandaluyong 2nd ward, which just so happens to be my first area! So of course I got the scoop on all the members and all that. Especially the V family. Then I received some amazing news, they are currently getting ready to start their temple preparation! Even if they aren't able to go to the temple until September, the temple is within their sights. Now that, brought me the most overwhelming joy that I have ever felt. I can't wait for September when I will be able to attend that. Other than that my first area is doing great! Now, for this current area. This last week we had Stake Conference and an Elder from the area Seventy spoke (I totally am spacing his name) but it was really good! We hardly worked Saturday because we attended all of the training meetings and the adult session, so those were really good. We are really focusing on the Philippines area goals for 2016. The Seventy showed this video of this sprinter from like the 1992 summer Olympics or something like that and this sprinter who was highly favored to win the 100 M race tore his hamstring in the middle of the race. During this race and right after he wrecks his leg, the runner's father runs out onto the track and helps him get to the finish line. He of course related it to our literal Father in Heaven and how now matter what kinds of trials we have in this earthly "race" the Father is always there to pick us up and for a shoulder to lean on. It is so true and it is something that I have learned here in my mission. Especially being here fresh starting an area with NOTHING to go off of. It has been a really cool experience and one that I have loved. The Lord is always there for us. Simply simply put. Anyways, the work this week was kind of killed with so many meetings and stuff. We are doing our best to manage time with our travel and stuff but I think that should get better with the new move. 

We have however found some pretty great people for us to teach, we actually found a family who is MARRIED! That is like... unheard of! They are married, they had kids super early in their lives but they are married! So hopefully we can enhance their life with the gospel. We are seeing some great things in our area and members are helping us out and all that. We have like 7 people with baptismal dates and we are just hoping to improve that. Our "most progressing" investigator is Sister Reah. She is the one that is Kelsie's age and is FLYING through the BOM (Book of Mormon). The only problem we have is getting her to church. She says that she is willing to walk with members, so maybe that can happen! She is super awesome though and knows and remembers everything we teach! Hopefully we can make that happen. Other than that, that is kind of what happened here in Manila this week. This next week might be kind of slow just because of moving and all that, they are closing our apartment so that means that we have to SCRUB it. Its going to be lovely. I am SO PUMPED if anyone can tell. We are working hard here and teaching/talking to as many people as we can. It is fun cause we use our "White Power" as leverage on talking to people, so that spices things up a bit aha. But yeah, my picture today is another multi-generational picture of my trainer Elder Sacay, his new anak and my brother aaaand my sons MTC comp Elder Safely, and then my new son Elder Webster! So that was cool :) that is all for this week! I love you all!

Elder Lambert
Philippines, Manila Mission, Earth

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